Electric Scooter Legalisation

by Laurel Watson on May 12, 2022

Cutting Through The Red Tape - how Close is Britain to legalising e-scooters?

How close are e-scooters to legalisation in the UK?

Electric Scooters legalisation coming to UK

Some very exciting news came from the Queen’s Speech on 10th May – the legalisation of electric scooters is coming!

New safety laws to be introduced

lego figure demonstrates scooter safety

The Government are working on new laws surrounding the use of e-scooters in public within the coming year. Safety is their top priority and while there has been no direct confirmation as to what these regulations will be, we expect them to be very similar to those of the current trials. This could mean restrictions on maximum speeds, lighting requirements and the compulsory wearing of protective clothing such as helmets.

A Government spokeswoman has said ‘Safety will always be our top priority and our trials are helping us to better understand the benefits of properly regulated, safety-tested e-scooters and their impact on public space’. Under the current trials, speeds are limited to a maximum of 15.5mph and riders must have a valid driving licence to be able to rent one. In addition to this, the rental companies must have insurance for their scooters.

A green transport alternative

E-Scooters - a green transport solution

Edmund King (AA president) has said ‘With e-scooters and other forms of micro-mobility popping up more frequently on UK roads, it makes sense that safety regulation should come first. If introduced alongside appropriate infrastructure, e-mobility could help provide a positive shift in greener localised travel both for individuals and last-mile freight."


 With e-scooters being a convenient, low cost, eco-friendly and no emission form of transport, we can’t believe it has taken this long for the rules to be revised. Especially given their popularity elsewhere in Europe. The country needs more forms of green transport and e-scooters would definitely fill this void.

We are keen to see how the legislation of E-scooters progresses and exactly what the rules will be. We are hopeful that we could see some changes as early as this year. We’ll be keeping a close eye on updates and will inform everyone as soon as new information is released.

What are the laws right now?

Are scooters legal in Britain right now?

As it stands it is illegal to use an E-Scooter on a public road, pavement, cycle land or bridleway (unless it is a government trial). E-scooters can only be ridden on private land with permission of the land owner.


Want to be a part of this exciting new era in transportation?

Check out this selection of road-safe scooters that already comply with the proposed 15.5mph speed limit, along with the safety equipment you'll need to be ready to go on day 1...




Xiaomi M365 Pro 2 Electric Scooter - thumbnail
Decent One Electric Scooter thumbnail
HIMO L2 Electric Scooter thuk=mbnail

HIMO L2 Electric Scooter

Lazer One+ MIPS Helmet  thumbnail
Kids's Crocodile Scooter helmet - thumbnail
Blackburn Dayblazer 400 Front Light - thumbnail

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⚠️ LEGAL WARNING: Privately-owned e-scooters can not be used on public highways (roads/pavements/cycle lanes/bridleways). E-scooters should only be used on private property with the landowner’s consent. Appropriate protective equipment should be worn at all times.